secureITmaniaThe Art of Identifying X$$ & WAF Bypass Fuzzing TechniqueA smart way to hunt Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilitySep 30, 2023Sep 30, 2023
InInfoSec Write-upsbySecurity Lit LimitedHow to Bypass XSS Filters: A Practical ExampleCross-site scripting (XSS) is a common web application vulnerability that allows attackers to inject malicious scripts into web pages. XSS…Mar 8, 20231Mar 8, 20231
InInfoSec Write-upsbySecurity Lit Limited10 Common XSS Payloads and How to Use Them for Bug Bounty HuntingAs technology advances, the techniques of exploiting vulnerabilities in web applications also become more sophisticated. One such…Apr 10, 20231Apr 10, 20231